Lelong.my E-Commerce Fair - Photos

The first ever e-commerce fair in Malaysia had just been concluded last Sunday. Here are some photos and short updates especially for those who didn't manage to attend.

PayPal, being the main sponsor, had a prominent booth there.

The leading local shopping cart provider - webShaper's booth and team.

Notice the slogan of this logistics company? Sounds familiar?

The leading local payment gateway provider - iPay88's booth.

Yamato is the star of the show for me, introducing the Ta-Q-Bin service (to be launched in September).

Bata had one of the best booth out there, their online store looks good too.

RekaTee, the online t-shirt design community and store.

SuperBid live in action, a proven crowd puller.

e-commerce, online shopping news and insights focus in malaysia and asia
Design, vote, win prize, buy t-shirts
Malaysia Online Store