Stephen Covey: Trim Tab

To be frank, I am not a big fan of Stephen R. Covey or personal development books in general. I just stop reading at the first few pages of his seven habits book. Personally, I very much prefer books like these.

Until recently, I have came across some training materials of a local corporate. I have to admit that to my own surprise, I enjoy most of those personal development videos. This is the first one I wish to share with you all.

Some of the noteworthy excerpts from the video:

Remember the secret to the big is the small.

Becoming a trim tab starts with identifying a need and then doing something about it.

You don't have to have the most exciting, thrilling high profile job in order to be successful or to love your work.

Each and every day, you are faced with moments of choice, moments where you can choose to be a trim tab.

You can work outside your job description, but within your circle of influence and have tremendous impact.

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