Book: Don't Make Me Think!

If there is only one book you need to read on web design and usability, this is a must read for you. It is basically a "common sense" book that even your girlfriend or wife can understand most of it.

Don't Make Me Think!

Why "Don't Make Me Think!"?

- Users don't "read" web pages, we scan and look for words or images that catch our eyes.
- Users don't scan web pages and look for the best option, we will choose the "first reasonable option".
- Users (even tech-savvy ones) don't understand how things work in the web pages, we muddle through.

Above are what web professionals should always bear in mind rather than just seeing things from their own (designer or developer) perspective. In short, web usability is to make your website EASY to use.

Locally, web usability should be included as one of the compulsory course for IT programs in all education institution. Web professionals should also educate project stakeholders whenever possible. Although overall awareness is not high in Malaysia, it is nice to see that Maybank realize the importance of web usability.

You can read some sample chapter here. You might also want to visit here to learn more from the web usability guru itself, Jakob Nielsen.

I rate this book at 5/5.

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